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KaffeeBart's Content

There have been 2 items by KaffeeBart (Search limited from 17-June 23)

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#48196 HUBs

Posted by KaffeeBart on 27 May 2007 - 03:07 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Hi there

maybe someone can tell me what is a hub doing? what is it good for?

Actually i build one but i can't see any changes for me.


#47305 Public Relation

Posted by KaffeeBart on 14 April 2007 - 06:28 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Hi there,

what about Public Relations to improve the Load Factor of an Aircraft for a certain route??

An Airline needs staff like Pilots Stewardess an Boarding staff - maybe you can creat a Job Center where you can employ workers with diferent education? So with more friendly personell my airline gets a better publicity.

An other Idea is the Stock market where you can buy Stocks of other airlines and maybe you can take over. - But i read it's on work?