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There have been 8 items by Aviator48 (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#287781 Open Skies agreeement

Posted by Aviator48 on 04 July 2021 - 12:50 AM in New Players and Questions

For a full reference on what you're able to do and when, feel free to visit this page: http://www.airline-e...agreements-r13 

#287671 How to deal with route saturation?

Posted by Aviator48 on 20 June 2021 - 02:47 PM in General AE Discussion

You can either directly compete or aim for other airports first. Personally, when I start off at larger airports, I aim for airports that are medium/less popular but with enough demand to gain enough profit. I usually use the 'browse airports' function using my aircrafts range and scroll a bit further down the list (anywhere from 10-30 airports down depending on origin airport size) and start there and then when I'm big enough transition into direct competition at the busiest.

#287183 What’s your longest flight?

Posted by Aviator48 on 02 May 2021 - 05:35 PM in General AE Discussion

ORD - HKG, roughly 7790 miles, don't remember which plane at the time but I'm fairly certain it was a 777.

#284156 A real time World?

Posted by Aviator48 on 26 August 2020 - 04:15 AM in New World Requests

The year is 2091. When the 70 year real-time world was introduced I couldn't possibly believe that I would make it this far. The question is, when will it reset?

#283761 Deleting Airlines

Posted by Aviator48 on 24 July 2020 - 07:30 PM in General AE Discussion

I thought they're automatically removed after a certain period of inactivity or manually removed by admins. However, it seems like the automatic process has been lacking in my experience unless they changed something.

#283752 How to remove bonds?

Posted by Aviator48 on 23 July 2020 - 07:39 PM in New Players and Questions

They disappear once they’ve been fully repaid. Currently, there is no method to pay the rest off if you have enough capital so you’ll just have to wait.


Posted by Aviator48 on 15 July 2020 - 05:36 PM in New Players and Questions

I feel like these airlines provide economic stimulus. No other airline is going to give aircraft manufacturers nearly as much money as these airlines. Furthermore, the 200-400 gate terminals that these airlines build provide infrastructure, jobs, and flights to towns some people haven't heard of. Granted you may have to connect through multiple airports before you get to your destination and deal with questionable ticket and IFS decisions, but anything that supports the country's economy and aviation infrastructure should continue...


Realistically though, I don't think spamliners will be disappearing anytime soon.

#283493 Rδ- AeroPhil

Posted by Aviator48 on 04 July 2020 - 07:14 PM in Airline Takeover / Shared Control Requests

Looking for someone to takeover AeroPhil; based in Manila with roughly $2 billion. Besides some minor stuff, I'll basically be giving you full control of the airline. PM or respond down below and I'll get back to you. Thank you!