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There have been 4 items by KPV922 (Search limited from 15-June 23)

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#221221 Hillary's Branding Studio.

Posted by KPV922 on 04 August 2016 - 03:05 AM in Logo / Livery Requests

Airline Name: Azura
Logo: I don't have one, if you could make one that would be greatly appreciated.
Country of Origin/ Major Hub: France/ Marseille
Aircraft: 737-400 and 757-200
Specific Requests/ Details: The main colors are blue, yellow and red. It's an fsc, so I want it to have sort of a flag carrier look.
Other: I really like the Emirati design, so if you could make mine similar to some degree that would be great. Thanks!

#218127 Realistic Utilization?

Posted by KPV922 on 28 June 2016 - 01:46 PM in General AE Discussion


Short-haul. Flights less than 6hrs. Some of them don't fly at night either so, 9-11hrs utilization.


Medium-haul. Flights 6-10hrs. Now this is a gold mine for airlines. If an aircraft can fly a 10hr flight back and fourth, it could be capable of flying 20hrs/day! But this rarely happens. Also maintenance factored in, 12-18hrs utilization.


Long-haul. Flights more than 10hrs. This gets complicated since an aircraft would take more than 24 hours to do a flight and return, so it might have to do a short-haul flight on the second day. I would say it varies so much so 10-16hrs utilization.

So when you say there would be however many hours utilization, is that how many I should have left each week or what my utilization per day would be?


Thanks to everyone once again :)

#218100 Realistic Utilization?

Posted by KPV922 on 28 June 2016 - 03:50 AM in General AE Discussion


I have an airline in India called Lotus Airways and I'm trying to keep it as realistic as possible. Right now, I am keeping my aircraft with around 20 hours of downtime per week. Can I lower it to 10-15 and still be considered realistic?

Thanks :)

#206456 Livery Making Tutorial

Posted by KPV922 on 27 December 2015 - 10:09 PM in Logo / Livery Requests

I'm not really sure how active this is, but I can't get the windows selected.  I draw the selection around them but the box doesn't select the windows when I use the key command.  Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?