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There have been 2 items by achillesk (Search limited from 17-June 23)

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#291457 What does it take to become an Airline Pilot?

Posted by achillesk on 21 December 2022 - 10:23 AM in Pilot Job Discussion

Well, I'm from Greece, so I have the same problem. In Europe there are quite a few schools, but they all cost more than 100k Euros, so it'll be quite hard to get there. My advice would be to do a crapload of research (through people, forums, etc.) or try for a scholarship. Idk how it works for you in the Philippines, but in Greece the military isn't much of an option for commercial pilots, because they have a mandatory period that you have to stay for (more than a decade i think), and to get in the AF from high school (military is mandatory here) your grades need to be excellent.

I'm also from Greece and I'm currently looking into things as I'm close to finishing school. Grades are more important for commercial pilots, less so for the military. As for the mandatory service, I'm not quite sure about it but I don't really care much since I'm going straight to a flight school. In terms of the financial challenges, it's most definitely a real thing but Aegean recently came up with a scholarship program where they offer to pay 50%-60% of the tuition for the best 100 candidates in exchange of working for them for at least three years. That really improves the situation but it's still hard. However, it's been five years since you've posted this so I hope you made it. Πάμε δυνατά! ;)

#291412 Lufthansa A319 - Lu Sticker

Posted by achillesk on 09 December 2022 - 12:36 PM in Designer Showcase

is that an actual livery?
