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There have been 6 items by abandoned (Search limited from 09-June 23)

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#291558 A fond good bye from Antonio27 (NOT A JOKE)

Posted by abandoned on 09 January 2023 - 06:14 AM in General AE Discussion

Many of you may have noticed I have not posted much lately in a while. Reason being, several people are disliking my gallery posts over the last months and not liking it. The frustration level is pretty hard to even out into words. Pissed only partially can describe my feelings. Anyway that was as I said, the last straw. And yes I tried making a new livery that was going to look so good but was going to fail, trying to think that everyone would like me in the gallery.


So I made a major decision. That instead of playing the game and making liveries. That being, American Global, looks just horrible to everyone, as well with Southwestern Star, to everyone else. The redone livery of German Airways looks to bell not liked by everyone else on the gallery and saying "It sucks!" "Horrible" "-100000" stars " "Go to hell" "Go away from here for life" an many others.


Secondary, would be to go to another airline game simulator instead of playing this one because it looks a bit unrealistic to me. As well with the liveries that everyone doesn't like, it really hurts my feelings.


That being if I quit would make everyone extremely happy on the website that i'm no longer there and they said that they disliked my liveries I made on the gallery as being on this website can be tiring because of the inactivity that I have done other the last couple of months.


I want to thank everyone who has contributed to my enjoyment over the past couple year with Airline Empires and making it a fun hobby more times than not, especially all of the game words that I have been it, that made it really hard to me over that time.


Best wishes to all and I hope everyone stays healthy...



#291213 Happy with my new route

Posted by abandoned on 17 November 2022 - 01:36 AM in General AE Discussion


#291166 coviD 20 demand

Posted by abandoned on 11 November 2022 - 01:03 AM in General AE Discussion

i don't think so because i was in round 27 of world o1 and there were no changes when the coronavirus happened

#290596 2 airline takeover in Rd (64B + 35B cash on hand)

Posted by abandoned on 19 July 2022 - 05:23 PM in Airline Takeover / Shared Control Requests

I'l take united airlines

#290579 2 airline takeover in Rd (64B + 35B cash on hand)

Posted by abandoned on 16 July 2022 - 06:13 PM in Airline Takeover / Shared Control Requests

i will

#289911 I keep losing money and i have no clue what to do

Posted by abandoned on 22 January 2022 - 04:43 PM in New Players and Questions

Set all payments and reverses to 0 on the Human Resources page. Then, create a Scam IFS by setting all Quality's to 1 (Worst) and all prices to be maxed, then select all of the tabs on the second page to max.


atnt71eb could also help you with your airlines like my 2 airlines in O1.