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There have been 6 items by Matt_AE (Search limited from 10-June 23)

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#280715 Worlds Reset: Rα (1975-2015) - Unlimited Airlines Per Player, O2 (1960-1990)...

Posted by Matt_AE on 05 February 2020 - 10:39 AM in Announcements

so when a world resets all airlines in there are gone?

#282325 How do I make my a330 fly?

Posted by Matt_AE on 20 April 2020 - 04:04 AM in General AE Discussion

I'm trying to add routes for my a330 and it won't show up. The system won't even tell me why.

#282327 How do I make my a330 fly?

Posted by Matt_AE on 20 April 2020 - 05:52 AM in General AE Discussion

It could be the aircraft or route itself. Check for any political restrictions, runway lengths, or too far of a distance which may affect it

I got the runway length correct by clicking add routes on aircrafts tab and other planes available in my fleet still appeared. My a330 had full 140 and was just delivered.

#282409 How do I survive outside the sandbox world?

Posted by Matt_AE on 21 April 2020 - 04:34 AM in General AE Discussion

I try to survive in world other than sandbox worlds, but I keep going bankrupt even though I try playing just like I did in the sandbox world. Less airports are vacant and I keep losing money even though my aircraft reach 0 hours available so that I cannot get a new aircraft. Does anyone know how to go financially stable outside of sandbox worlds?

#282410 How to deal with these Spam Airlines?

Posted by Matt_AE on 21 April 2020 - 04:51 AM in General AE Discussion

Just try to 'become' one of them by adding lower cost flights. If there are already low cost airlines operating there just make prices lower so that any new competitor wont be able to add routes without bankrupting themselves. Even other spam lines eventually face intense competition and they sometimes miss highly demanded routes. Being a spam liner only annoys other players and isn't always bad as long as you don't use exploits. I'm not that experienced but I already experienced my airline growing very fast financially by adding routes even with competitions. You will always have to look for highly demanded routes where competitions are inevitable. So face it or risk going bankrupt.

#282411 Sinking Airline Reputation

Posted by Matt_AE on 21 April 2020 - 05:05 AM in New Players and Questions

This happens to every airlines as their fleet ages. I haven't really retired planes by myself yet but I think retiring planes at age of around 30 must be recommendable. Then buy new planes if you have financially stable enough. You won't face having to any planes when you just started operations.