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There have been 3 items by craigdwatson (Search limited from 17-June 23)

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#220910 Idea Ideas Ideas.... (Feedback and POLL Responses Very Welcome!!)

Posted by craigdwatson on 30 July 2016 - 07:27 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

A few ideas I've thought about, Please feel very welcome to provide feedback and I am of course more than happy to discuss suggestions with AE staff as someone (as with many users here) with aviation industry experience. Positive or Negative feedback both very welcome here!


Creating IFS, IFE and Seat Config (Legroom) - Live Results/Ratings Whilst Creating

  • A Save/Calculate option in the set up pages to view the results/outcome before saving and naming
  • Be able to tweak and alter IFS/IFE/Config whilst creating and researching options
  • A more specific rating system (1-10 with decimals rather than a start rating, a rating of 3.6 and 4.4 for example would give much more detail without complicating the systems)
  • View the Legroom (Inch) calculation of each class and the rating as you create configs live


Allocate an aircraft to a base

  • Simple drop down option of airports within your political area
  • Be able to use this selection to filter your aircraft on your aircraft list page or when creating routes, this would allow you to view multiple aircraft types when creating a route whilst not having to struggle through a large list of aircraft when most may not be suitable. For users that like to organise their operation this would be a great help as your airline grows.
  • E.g. if you wanted to operate LHR-MAD (UK airline) likely with A320 size aircraft, you could choose to see just your LHR based aircraft, or alternatively see all aircraft unfiltered as we do now.
  • Aircraft Bases would only be available within your political area.

Maintenance Overhaul - Hangars/Facilities

  • Be able to build a hanger at an airport in return for a discount on your aircraft maintenance cost for the aircraft assigned to be based at the airport which you have built a hangar at.
  • Slots system similar to gates based on how many aircraft are assigned that base e.g. 10 aircraft based would be 10 maintenance slots, a hangar could have a capacity of X amount of slots.
  • The slots and capacity method would not be very realistic but as with the current system for gates, it would do the job and be fair across the worlds.
  • There could be an option of selecting which aircraft use your hangar facility, simply ticking on a list which aircraft use your Hangar for that base airport (Under a Maintenance section), within the capacity of the hangars you have created.
  • If you do not choose to build hangars, the maintenance cost would be automatically calculated as it already is, but there would be a discount on the cost for aircraft which you maintain yourself through your own built hangar. Therefore this would be an optional way to micromanage.
  • Airlines could create maintenance companies within their airline, to allow an airline to request some maintenance slots over a set time period for an agreed cost at a base.
  • Fair Usage - there could be a realistic limit for the hangars based on how many gate/slots own for flights, then with say 20-30% additional allowed for expansion or maintenance slots to other airlines.

Airline Details Page - Airport Market Share/Rank

  • We all love to brag and show off our successful airlines
  • On the airline details page we could add more columns to the gates list to include the current market share at that airport or more simply the current rank for that airport (Your position on the market share graph).
  • This may put pressure on servers and website loading times? If so we could limit this to display just for your Hubs at the top of the gates list.

Airline Subsidiaries (E.g. BA with CityFlyer and OpenSkies, Lufthansa with EuroWings)

  • Firstly, I do understand the structure of airlines and the complexity involved, my suggestion here is a far simplified one compared to that real world.
  • Linking in with the aircraft base option - Be able to create up to 2 airline brands within your current primary brand and name, and assign aircraft to one of 3 operations.
  • No change to political restrictions and cost structure
  • Allow you to create aircraft configs and service levels with include the option of picking which subsidiary the config belongs to such as a low cost subsidiary with no IFS or IFE.
  • This would add a new dimension to AE, splitting your airline up as an entirely optional feature.
  • Offering optional micromanagement but not a requirement.
  • Each brand could be viewed within your system as separate tabs such as finance and staffing, but still remain ranked as one entry and be able to view a "Airline Group" summary.
  • Airline details page would be for the overall group brand, maybe able to add 2 additional logo's and liveries and fleet info broken down into the optional sections.

Live Profit Margin (Displayed on airline details page, an average of your past 3 months)

  • Be able to view the average 6 month profit margin of any airline.
  • Could be used on rankings as another way to compare airlines
  • Displayed on airline details page.

Route/Aircraft Individual Profit Margins

  • This calculation would have many great uses for managing your airline and comparisons, it could also be used to calculate profit margins by base/hubs collectively or aircraft types.
  • A simple cost vs revenue calculate, displayed prominently on route pages and as a column in tables such as the overall aircraft and routes pages.
  • Top and Bottom 5 for which bases or hubs have the best and worst average margins for routes serving that airport.



  • Remove aircraft order/lease deposits from the profit margin calculation? Whilst this makes perfect sense, given the order structure on AE the deposits could be shown as a separate overall profit margin, rather than your operational margin.

#212061 Seeking available airlines to improve in S3-B (or others)

Posted by craigdwatson on 18 April 2016 - 08:26 PM in Airline Takeover / Shared Control Requests

I would like to offer to help other players in this round as my airline BNA British Northern Airways seeks to take over smaller airlines...


Grant shared control and I guarantee to increase your profits and efficiency considerably.


BNA currently operates at a 20-25% profit margin 

#220884 Airport Market Share - On Airline Summary Page (Gates list)

Posted by craigdwatson on 30 July 2016 - 12:54 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Hi Everyone,


Just a thought to give a more competitive environment and some usual stats for comparing airlines, Would it be possible at some stage to introduce a further column on the Airline Summary "Gates" table list that displays either...


> Market Share (E.g. 35%...)

> Market Share Ranking (E.g. 1st, 2nd, 6th)


This could maybe be included just besides the existing statistic for Utilisation of gates



