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There have been 3 items by mrvol (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#98588 New Aircraft Deliveries and Backlogs

Posted by mrvol on 09 January 2012 - 06:22 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Guys, the current backlog does not reflect the real life. When a OEM as a long backlog they increase the production rate.

Right now its always the same in AE no matter the amount of order.

As an exemple, when Bombardier had 500 more CRJ 200 on order they increased the rate to 1.66 aircraft a day

This being said OEM can change their rate of production depending on the demand.

Let me know what you think about it!

#98376 Realistic Maintnence

Posted by mrvol on 07 January 2012 - 10:12 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Agree RJs useally fly 2500 hours per years, something like 48-49 hours a week!!! 140 hours is a lot

Main line planes does fly more hours but does also less legs

#98361 Realistic Maintnence

Posted by mrvol on 07 January 2012 - 09:37 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Guys Realistic Maintenance is a good idea, but each OEM have their own spec on how A/B/C... check are done. More over check are not only Monthly task but also cycles and flight hours.

I'm working for an OEM and even the operators have difficulties with this system I doubt you want to go that deep in a game... My 2 cents