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#260688 New Aircraft Deliveries and Backlogs

Posted by paulojorge on 16 January 2018 - 08:17 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

This is my first post on this forum.


The issue is classical and i think it is also related to the offer/demand problem and the fact that people can sell everything they want and receive the money automatically.

Additionally, excess offer and almost unlimited production capacity by manufacturers takes some realism out of the game.


Any alternatives inevitably imply additional weight to any database and the inclusion of additional data to the planes characteristics


it would be nice to see a manufacturer receiving orders from a client, based on a formula, that would consider:


- Maximum number of orders per month based on the number of active airlines

(300 airlines in business x 0.05 = 15)


- Fidelity of the airline per segment.

A company already using 50% Boeings in the short/medium range aircraft fleet, would get a 50% boost (15 x 1.5 = 22.5)


This could be complemented by a «company blacklist log».

A company that cancelled a lot of orders would get negative points and this would influence the final number of planes that could be ordered.


By breaking the number of orders into monthtly segments, this would allow small companies to place their orders.


And of course: For those used to place an order for 150 B734, it would be rather difficult, because only if you were a very good Voeing client, could Boeing accept an order for the maximum possible figure per month.


I dont know how the database engine works or how it is configured, but my rather limited web coding capabilities in asp.net tell me that sometimes even a small change is a pain in the neck.

