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Airport Demand Error

Posted by Viero on 04 December 2011 - 06:15 PM

I noticed that at SXM, I lost about 5 million DOP profits after demand plunged 85%. Something I can't tell about this: Is this supposed to happen, or was it a glitch?

The demand for SXM was corrected earlier. Please see http://www.airline-e...nnual-pax-data/


Can the gate cost at SXM be reduced then? I headquartered my airline there when the demand was higher. The gate costs are $100,000. This is fine for what it was, but now, shouldn't it be more in the $25,000 range?


moved issue from Airline Empires 3.1

I have reduced the gate cost to a price reflective of the lower demand, but also considering this airport's constraints and limits.


First of all, thanks! However, $61,000 still seems high. I also fly out of Curacao and the demand is now higher than SXM but the gate costs are only $14,500.


No worries. I'll increase Curacao also.

I wish there was a 'Like' button for posts. Hilarious.

I don't get the issue here...?

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