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No more map? and https issues

Posted by on 03 August 2023 - 06:36 AM


The airlines map are no more showing on airline details.
My navigator also refused access to the game several times because the site "is not secure".

Are you using Brave? I had the same issue where I couldn't see my airline maps and my alliance map. I turned off the Brave Shield for the website and my maps showed up finally.

Nope, I'm on Chrome...
Ad block ON or OFF does not change a thing as well.

Ad Blocker on or off isn't the issue. The issue with the HTTPS is the website likely has an expired SSL Certification and Chrome does not like that. You can click through and get to the site on Chrome (im on it) to get around this issue. 


But the broader issue is this site seems to have lost the admin and dev teams that managed it. Likely volunteers anyways, but there's a number of issues cropping up like the SSL issue and now maps are not working. There seems to be no continues front or back end site mx going on anymore, just left to run as is and when issues arise nobody is taking care of them.

Adding to this issue, I cannot seem to 'select all' when transferring routes between a/c.

Yuxi, please fix this ASAP


I have the same issue, not map on "my map" and on the airlines details

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