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  • #003474

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Not possible to select flights in Aircrafts details|Flight List

Posted by on 03 August 2023 - 02:40 AM

This happened in the past and was fixed. Happening again. Can't switch my old aircraft with new orders because of it (would be too tedious). I cannot select flights and change aircraft or even close flights, even when I tick boxes individually this appears. "No Flights Selected You must select at least one flight to change" The only way is to do it route by route, which is even more tedious. I did close and open my navigator again (Chrome), and cleared cookies and cache... Please fix it as soon as possible^^ Thank you very much in advance!

have you tried a different navigator? Or just putting up with the issue on this free game?


I would not put anything here if
1. I would not have cleared my cache
2. Tried another navigator
3. Try all remedies I can think of...

And still it wasn't working.

About "just putting up with the issue on this free game"... This is what this section is about, right? Reporting lapses and bugs. I think you are just biased because of personal grudges. This not means I am not thankful for the work or the devs and those who maintain the game. I am actually contributing the way I can: by report issues and giving feedbacks.

As of today, after several weeks of bugging on chrome the issue is solved. Thanks to the one who fixed it.

PS: it was a real problem and make the process of replacing old aircraft even more tedious than it is usually. I stopped developing/updating three airlines for this reason. I am not the only one that reported it.

This is weird. Cannot even submit content here ("form not secured")... Maps not showing in airlines details. Bug described above is back... are we on a backup server or what?

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