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Short Month

Posted by Sgt Schultz on 19 December 2020 - 05:18 PM

In my world my monthly calendar runs from the first to the 24. After that it jumps to the 1st of the next month. I am losing a week of ticket sales every month and I am paying full monthly costs on fixed expenses. My daily ticket sales as shown by route finance is $1,089.504. On a 30 day month this extrapolates to $32, 685,120. The last two months have not seen any route or plane changes my ticket sales per the income statement was $26, 146,488. According to the Gate Leasing tab my gate leases total $3,505,072, On the Income Statement I am pay $4,423,500. On the Aircraft Maintenance tab the total maintenance for my 3 planes totals  $8,271,400. On my Income Statement I am paying about 250K more.

That is just how the game works and functions. I'd guess it was just easier to code it that way.

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