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  • #002843

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B777/A340 fuel flow

Posted by LJ Aviation on 08 December 2016 - 03:04 AM

773 is a lot more fuel efficient that the 77W, which is not true in reality.


A340's fuel flow should be higher that the 777.


A340-300 should not be more efficient than A340-600.


Please change it.

Please stop making these random "Fuel flow" issue reports:



Real numbers are used in AE. aka, it should not be changed due to your statement being incorrect.

If you feel as though your question is not being properly answered by a member of the Data Collection team, please, feel free to contact Delta-Northwest or any other member of the DC team :)

The fuel flow displayed on the aircraft page is not total for the aircraft.

it is PER ENGINE so for the a340 you have to take the fuel flow and multiply it with 4 in order to get the total fuel flow.



Apologies for reviving an old thread but it doesn't seem to be per engine. Here is fuel cost, A330-300 (Trent 768) vs A340-300 (CFM56-5C2) with the A340-300 having slightly lower fuel cost. This seems to correlate with the advertised numbers.


Stated fuel consumption numbers with winglets:

A333 = 38,475

A343 = 37,939



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