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Rδ - Unable to start new routes

Posted by Appassionata on 09 August 2014 - 04:53 AM

I'm running an airline in Rδ (Realistic, no airline limit per person). I mean, I run ONE airline in that world.


From yesterday and on, I don't seem to able to start new routes - I press "add flights" and then the flight would not add up, just get back to the current page without anything happening.


What's even more strange is that I have no problem adding flights to currently operating route. I would like to see this problem fixed ASAP or at least know what is going on - such as employee strike due to low employee morale rating in-game.


Thank you.

The problem gets another twist now in that the "add flights" functions work for some routes (including DCA-MCO) but still does not work for other routes (such as MCO-IAH, MSP-PHL)

Buon giorno io ho un aereo con ancora 109 h disponibili per il volo ma ogni volta che seleziono direttamente dall'aereo "aggiungi voli" non riesco a creare nuove rotte perché il sistema mi segnala che ho aerei non idonei oppure con insufficienti ore di volo a disposizione (questo lo fa sia che utilizzi il filtro voli solo su italia sia che vada sul filtro Italia europa)



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