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Ticket prices

Posted by Pilot1868 on 26 June 2014 - 02:57 PM

I found a problem. I have a L-1649 Starliner that flys to one of my routes 1 a week so on the route page there is no option to change the price for the first class ticket cause there are 0 daily seats but in reality there are 2 seats weekly (the amount installed on the airplane). The issue also is that before I had my Starliner fly on that route I only had Dc6 flying and they don't have any first class seats and so the ticket price for first class is $1 which it shouldn't be (5 star IFS doesn't creat revenue on $1 seats). So the only way for me to change the ticket price is for me to cancle the flight and than re-add them with a price (not knowing weather people will fly with that price, and if I increase the price I don't know if they will fly).

I think there should be a option to change ticket prices no matter how many daily seats you have but overall (so if your like me and you have 2 first class seats than you can change the prices).

I've just realized that I also can't add my first class IFS because I have 0 daily seats (but 2 weekly).

Thankfully for some unknown reason the IFS is correct (must have put it in earlier)

Whenever I try to change the ticket prices they do go up but the don't change

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