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a350j passenger problem...

Posted by air greg on 02 January 2012 - 07:03 PM

i'm playing in R5 and the a350-900 just came out... when i was watching the hole a350 family i saw that the a350j (a350-1000) was listed for max. 450 pax...
when i was looking on wikipedia (I know its not a viable source) i saw it was max. 550 pax...
is this wrong in the game or on wikipedia?
grtz , air greg...

moved issue from Airline Empires 3.1

Airbus themselves have only released a "typical" seating value of 350. As the aircraft is yet to be certified, data is a bit shaky, so there is no definitive "maximum".
If I had been in my current position back when the A350 was added, I wouldn't have allowed it. Data is just too sparse on future aircraft to be accurate.

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