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Hi is it only me that is confused as to the B737-700C is a Freighter aircraft then why has this been added to a passenger only game. 

Have the modulators mixed B737-700QC which is quick change variant that can be used both as freighter or passenger by converting it in 1 hour.


If this is the QC variant then its fine otherwise it would not have seating available.



    AE Addict To-Be

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I am sure this is QC, just a Database/programming typo. I feel like that makes sense. But if you check maybe it is the C. I think though, it probably is the QC.



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There is a 737-700C variant. The only ones that I know of are the one that flies with TAAG (D2-TBK) and the US Air Force C-40 Clippers (a modified 737-700C).

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