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Somehow bought re-engined 707's?


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Hi Everyone,

I run Roman Airways, the Italian flag carrier on R0. 

I was perusing the used aircraft market today and came across 24 Boeing 707-320B's for sale. It being 1965 and 707's being the aeronautical equivalent of gold dust, I bought all of them. 

However, when looking at the aircraft details, something caught my eye. 

Instead of the usual Pratt & Whitney JT3D's, the 707's I bought have 4 United Technologies PW306B's...With a fuel flow of 10,000 instead of 35,000 for the P&W's. 

I...I don't know how this is possible. I checked the aircraft's history, but they were bought by an airline that was then subsequently deleted. 

What...What should I do? I'm aware that it's unfair to have 24 707's with vastly improved fuel flow compared to other players. Did another player somehow hack the game to get this? 

Photo proof attached. 


Have a nice day!

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Per Ardua Ad Astra

Alpha Waffle

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...How? What??

Alpha Waffle

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I have figured out how this exploit works and will be reporting it to the developers. Please do not ask me for details, and please do not cheat.

I think -- and I could be entirely wrong -- but I think I know how the original owner pulled this off.

I also suspect if I tried to verify my suspicions then I would be banned, as I imagine the original owner was.

I suggest you just scrap them.

I tested my theory and I was indeed entirely wrong. I'll try a few other things to see if I can replicate this.

Okay, maybe I wasn't totally off base. I think I've figured it out, but I need to test it out.

In the event I find the exploit, who would the best person to contact be? Yuxi?



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I'm aware that it's unfair to have 24 707's with vastly improved fuel flow compared to other players. 

That's odd, and definitely an advantage. But nothing like running a spam line like Alpha Waffle does.

Alpha Waffle

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Ha! Sure enough, in R0, there are also a bunch of VC.1 Vikings for sale with PT-6As.


I was scrolling earlier, saw the PT-6 model and thought "What? PT-6? On a plane that old? Huh." and then went about my day.


Turns out it was indeed the same person who modded the 707s. What a coincidence. I'll buy them all and scrap them.


Attached File  PT6.png   48.89KB   1 downloads

Alpha Waffle

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Oh wow, and a bunch if Il-14s of various flavours with PT-6s too. That's so funny. Scrapped!

Alpha Waffle

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The fly-in breakfast at the local airport this year will be a real treat in my new Bonanza. Lmao.


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Okay I'm done screwing around now. Time to forget the forbidden knowledge.

Alpha Waffle

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It seems this person did more than I thought. I'm going through my planes and finding many of them have very wrong engines. Tu-114s with PT-6s for example. Not cool. Cheaters suck.



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Cheaters suck.

Oh, the irony.

Alpha Waffle

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Oh, the irony.

I really can't overstate just how little your opinion means to me.



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Also note that in a world that is in 2008 they already have the A320neo... :/  :/  :/

Alpha Waffle

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Also note that in a world that is in 2008 they already have the A320neo... :/  :/  :/

Now that is odd. Which world/airline is this?



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Now that is odd. Which world/airline is this?


(S4C) Sandbox World - No Political Restrictions (5 min / day)


2 ZA it.png ae3s4c_40.jpg ae3s4c_2.jpg
390 1,238 6 3,974 1,226,746 9,766,344


Alpha Waffle

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(S4C) Sandbox World - No Political Restrictions (5 min / day)


2 ZA it.png ae3s4c_40.jpg ae3s4c_2.jpg
390 1,238 6 3,974 1,226,746 9,766,344



That's really interesting. The game has safeguards to prevent ordering aircraft that aren't yet available... at least, it doesn't seem to be possible in the same way that adding different engines is possible.


How strange.


I wonder if Yuxi will read this thread before banning me when he sees all the illegal nonsense I've been up to. It's purely academic, I promise.

Guest_BiiG DaaN_*

Guest_BiiG DaaN_*
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I've never posted in all my years here, but I have to add my voice to this. I'm in the same world (S4C) and the Zamperlair has several aircraft that have not been released yet. A321NEO, A321LR, A330-800, A350-900, B787-9, etc.

Heck, the world is currently in 2011 and the A321LR doesn't become available until 2018.



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I really can't overstate just how little your opinion means to me.

… and yet you bothered to reply. 

You may be less of a cheat than Zempleair, but you are nonetheless a cheat.




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I've never posted in all my years here, but I have to add my voice to this. I'm in the same world (S4C) and the Zamperlair has several aircraft that have not been released yet. A321NEO, A321LR, A330-800, A350-900, B787-9, etc.

Heck, the world is currently in 2011 and the A321LR doesn't become available until 2018.


I think when the world first starts, the used aircraft marked is populated with 5 of every aircraft type. I noticed that in this round of S4C there were even some that weren't able to be ordered yet. I don't have screenshots, but I remember seeing planes like the A320neo, 777X, 787 on there. So, if they have small amounts of these new aircraft, that might be where they got them from.



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This is an interesting bug.
I tried it myself, and I'm mystified as how this works. I have a theory it has something to do with the Aircraft IDs and engine IDs getting mixed up, but I'm not sure how that happens. 
What I've learned: 
As soon as you buy the aircraft, its data is set in the server. That ID is assigned to that aircraft/engine combo, and (at least via inspect element) you can't change it.
The game can detect incorrect engine-plane combos. I tried manually editing the ID on the purchase screen to force select a PT-6 model, and the game rebuffed me, no matter the screen. This tampering either doesn't use inspect element, or somehow fools the game into thinking its got correct engine IDs while assigning the incorrect engines. 
I'm really not sure how you would manage to change the engine IDs after buying the plane, but I have a feeling it involves some TamperMonkey (or similar) shenanigans. 

Or, its been shadow patched despite no word from Yuxi or any other moderators, and it no longer works thanks to this check. 
Given that I've noticed a few other things have been changed/added, I'm leaning towards this shadow patch theory. It would be the biggest update AE has received in years though.

Alpha Waffle

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It has not been patched.

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