Hey there, I'm a long time visitor, but just signed up now to AE! I finally decided I would start learning to make professional/good quality liveries with GIMP, Paint, or Adobe Photoshop softwares (I used GIMP for this one). This is my first livery ever made digitally on a template, I'm just starting out. The brand is Vera Airways, a private Italian airline (for further info see full album). I think it's quite nice and fitting, what do you think? I plan on making more liveries in the future so stay tuned for the posts. I've already posted this in the gallery and got a few views, but I want more people to see it and actually comment below and give me actually useful feedback. Constructive criticism or advice/guidance/ideas is always appreciated, thank you! Oh, and check me out in the gallery if you want (Album: Concepts...).

My First Ever Livery
Posted 06 June 2023 - 01:46 PM

Posted 06 June 2023 - 03:36 PM

Hi! I want to make a livery for my own company, how can I do that?
Posted 06 June 2023 - 05:25 PM

Hi! I want to make a livery for my own company, how can I do that?
Hello, thanks for your reply. I make mine using GIMP. I made this one as my first one, and I learned a lot doing so, there is a very nice and informative tutorial on how to make a livery on GIMP on YouTube (linked below). Medviation offers really good templates for free as well! It really looks as though you're putting your livery on a real plane. And, you can download GIMP entirely for free. GIMP can be quite intimidating and challenging at first, but after some practice it's totally easy and you'll get the hang of it like I did, I'm sure. Just explore and move around with all the different elements and see what they do.
Tutorial (credit goes to original poster of the video, Alex D):
You can find some quite good templates here.
You can download GIMP for completely free on their official website.
I hope this helps!
btw, what do you think about my livery?
thx in advance
Posted 16 June 2023 - 02:01 AM

Hello, thanks for your reply. I make mine using GIMP. I made this one as my first one, and I learned a lot doing so, there is a very nice and informative tutorial on how to make a livery on GIMP on YouTube (linked below). Medviation offers really good templates for free as well! It really looks as though you're putting your livery on a real plane. And, you can download GIMP entirely for free. GIMP can be quite intimidating and challenging at first, but after some practice it's totally easy and you'll get the hang of it like I did, I'm sure. Just explore and move around with all the different elements and see what they do.
Tutorial (credit goes to original poster of the video, Alex D):
You can find some quite good templates here.
You can download GIMP for completely free on their official website.
I hope this helps!
btw, what do you think about my livery?
thx in advance
Thank you for this! I've been trying to make a livery since the day I joined, but could not find a GIMP tutorial that I could follow well like this one! Finally can ditch the airlinespainter! Below is the livery I was able to make
Attached Files
Posted 16 June 2023 - 04:28 PM

Thank you for this! I've been trying to make a livery since the day I joined, but could not find a GIMP tutorial that I could follow well like this one! Finally can ditch the airlinespainter! Below is the livery I was able to make
Ohh ok wow this is nice, you should post it on the gallery!
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