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Artemis Airbus A340-600


Template by Airplano

Artemis Airbus A340-600

Artemis is a premium Greek airline founded in 1993, originally intended to be a direct competitor to the country's flag carrier, offering a comprehensive domestic island-hopping network. However, as Arabian Gulf-based airlines quickly established a new hub-based concept of long-haul travel, Artemis utilised their geographical position to compete with the oil sheikhs, offering themselves not only as a hub, but as a popular destination with rich history and culture. As of 2015, Artemis operates a fair share of the Europe-Asia hub-based travel network after a successful promotional campaign, with the backbone of its fleet consisting of Airbus A330 and A340 aircraft. Despite being a loyal Airbus customer, Artemis recently placed an order for 12 Boeing 747-8i jumbo-jets to meet the rising demand on its most popular routes.

Artemis is the Greek goddess of the moon, associated with hunting, wilderness, nature, childbirth, and chastity.

Each plane in Artemis's fleet depicts a Greek constellation on its tail, this particular one being the constellation of Pegasus.

    Hello , 

    Good work, well done. 
    I like the turn your company has taken by aligning itself on the market with long-haul aircraft. 
    I'm very curious and want to know more. 
    I have a few questions about your current fleet and what it will become with the arrival of the 747-8i. 
    First of all, I'd like to know how many A340s and A330s the company currently operates, and on which versions? 
    Secondly, I'd like to know what will happen to the current fleet with the arrival of these 12 Boeing 747-8i? 
    Finally, I'd like to know on which routes the 747-8i will operate, and what configuration they will have. 
    Thank you very much. 

    Greek registration is from SX-AAA to SX-ZZZ for powered aircraft.

    The biggest problem that longer aircraft like the A340-600 have is, as you move further aft, it gets boring. There's absolutely nothing to look at.