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InterCanada | Boeing 777-200LR


Brand by Cobalt | Template by Med, Mees, Creepkill and Kana/Vish

InterCanada | Boeing 777-200LR


    if the drama lovers keep this up there may be a war in which nobody else wants to participate in, and that could cause the death of the aviation design studio

    very nice 

    Mixed feelings on this. It looks really good on first glance but falls apart a little on closer second glance. Fuselage I think just ends up a little plain in relation to the font. The font is very showy which isn't a bad thing but is an assignment this livery falls short of. The maple design on the engine and the tail is clean and modern if not a little bland. I think it works well on the engine. The tail ends up very muddled though what with the black stripes, maple pattern, and the bird. Defo go for solid black and I might recommend even dropping either the leaf or bird but I understand that would leave the livery super empty so it's worth considering. I look forward to more of your work and future iterations on this brand concept - intriguing work!