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Vanguard Airlines Boom Overture "2015-"



Vanguard Airlines Boom Overture "2015-"

In 2021, following the reinvigoration of the supersonic craze, Vanguard Airlines placed a formal order for 15 of the Overture, as it is called, from Boom Supersonic. Intended to do Mach 1.7 on 100% sustainable aviation fuel, the airplane will be carbon neutral, have no afterburners, and is made of composite materials.

At Vanguard, the Boom will likely enter service in the timeline of 2029 to 2030, flying initially overseas from it's coastal hubs of San Francisco, Washington DC and Newark, but with change in FAA regulation, would hopefully be allowed to traverse the interior of the United States. With the 15 ordered and 20 more options, Vanguard anticipates a growth in the need for the airplane by 2035. Like the Concorde, it will be deployed into an all business class format, allowing for between 66 and 88 seats with current design specs.

Vanguard Supersonic - The next step.

    Very nice!
    But who the hell is making Overture templates?

    GJ made it

    Oooohhhhh yes. :wub:

    GJ made it


    I see that now. It's probably some sort of Discord server or something.

    I come back to a supersonic revolution, we shall see where this goes LOL

    Great work Stalin :awesome:

    Great work Stalin :awesome:

    this will keep you away from the gulags


    This is so great! But what template did you use?