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pnexpress endorses biden/harris


joe biden, kamalalalalalalal harris, hunter biden's crackpipe, zipp, med, ab

pnexpress endorses biden/harris

N175PA showing PNexpress' endorsement of the Biden/Harris ticket for 2020.

We at PNexpress believe that under the current administration, the country has become increasingly divided. Only a Biden White House will bridge the divide and cause everyone to hate the rich white man again.

Vote Harris/Biden 2020
Let's turn the senate blue again.



    ^ Dont act like you wouldnt wanna get sniffed by joe biden as well SMH



    ^ Dont act like you wouldnt wanna get sniffed by joe biden as well SMH


    This kinda looks like a campaign plane. A low-effort republican campaign plane, like the Trump/Pence Eastern 737 or the McCain/Palin JetBlue E190...


    The fact that 'Obama 2008' plus Hillary's campaign slogan are included here though XD


    LMFAO / funny one