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Aerotemplates 1st Anniversary Compilation


Aerotemplates collection made by Arya Yudhistira.

Aerotemplates 1st Anniversary Compilation

Aight, so it's been straight a year since I first made my own template. It was fun. It all begin when I wanted to make a template inspired by one of my Matchbox toy airplane model. It took me roughly an hour to make. The next year, I made my second template which is the Bombardier G7500. Took me four months to complete it. During the pandemic, I've created 9 airplane templates in an amazingly high resolution (ranging from 15.000 to 21.000px)

I will be releasing my Lapan XT-400 template soon.

    damn that's cool

    Omg wow

    Its fine if you don't want to but can you publicly release your next template?

    Very nice! ^_^

    Damn nice!



    Omg wow

    Its fine if you don't want to but can you publicly release your next template?

    Thank you, also for everyone's comment :) Yes, I will be releasing my XT-400 template soon.

    Thank you, also for everyone's comment :) Yes, I will be releasing my XT-400 template soon.

    What is the template at the top Right?