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Boeing 757-200 "80th Anniversary" Retrojet



Boeing 757-200 "80th Anniversary" Retrojet

In May of 2000, anticipating the upcoming 80th Anniversary of the airline, Vanguard Airlines polled employees to see which livery from the airlines' past they'd like to see put on an aircraft to celebrate the upcoming Anniversary. After about a month of polling, the votes were tallied and in 2001, the airline unveiled a new retrojet based on the "Vistaliner" paint scheme popular in the 1940s and early 1950s. The Boeing 757, ship number 610, was unveiled in Memphis on May 28th, 2001 to a crowd of ecstatic employees. The aircraft serves a unique rotation allowing it to transition all of the hubs in the system, including some of Dynasty World Alliance partners. N610VG bears a golden plaque on the wall describing the event near the L1 door.

N610VG was fitted with blended winglets in 2007, and scimitar winglets in 2017. It remains in service in 2020, and though stored, will return to service one receiving a metal polish job.

(Yes, she got a revamp. It was overdue. Expect a period airplane in this paint very soon.)

    Holy hell thats amazing

    This is fantastic! Even better than the previous livery!


    Will we get to see some old aircraft (Lockheed Vega) in this livery?

    don't be shy, post some more

    don't be shy, post some more


    /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ THIS

    Outta nowhere my guy!

    Dude this is amazing.



    ayy he's back

    Wow, just wow!