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Pan Pacific 2 (New name and Logo so now it's Dauniuli)

Pan Pacific 2 (New name and Logo so now it's Dauniuli)

So isn't it great when I post one livery and people say it's not terrible so I scratch the whole thing and the only thing I keep is the colour scheme? A few things to cover: the new logo is meant to look like a Drua, which is a type of boat people in Fiji built which A) fits the livery better and B ) Is more culturally relevant. Thanks to GoJetz for the reference image of a Drua. Also, the name changed because I wanted a name no one else had and here it is, it's also more culturally relevant. A translator claims that it's a Fijian word for Navigator, which seems appropriate. Last but not least, the new livery and the sort of patterned look I think make the livery look far more interesting. Not sure if this iteration is better than the old one, but I do think it's more interesting for sure. Drop your thoughts in the comments, thanks in advance for your feedback.

    that's really cool

    I'm having a hard time finding safe sources for free patterns and graphics to turn into logos lol

    Very pretty! Nice work!

    that's really cool

    I'm having a hard time finding safe sources for free patterns and graphics to turn into logos lol

    I just used the photo of a Drua and used Path tool in GIMP to trace the edges to make the logo, I'm not sure if that's really the best strat but it worked here.

    This is pretty cool actually, quite nicely improved from the original version!

    Very pretty! Nice work!


    This is pretty cool actually, quite nicely improved from the original version!

    Thank you so much!

    Interesting name and quite fitting regarding the history of Fiji :P