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Frequency Increase/Profit Issue

Posted by daa117 on 17 November 2011 - 01:36 PM

When I go to increase the frequencies (e.g. from 7x weekly to 14x weekly) on some of my most profitable routes with no competition, e.g. Charlotte-Tampa, the profit drops below to what I was making at 7x weekly. I know that profit decreases generally per flight as your frequency goes up, but I've played AE many times before (and I know that 14x does not = twice the profit as 7x) and it shouldn't be doing this...?

Also, when I start new routes with no competition, it won't give me 100% load factor or any profit, really, at anything but the game's suggested price when the route is started. Normally, on uncontested routes, you can jack up the prices. E.g. the game suggests the Y tix should be $178, but you can normally jack them up to 400 or more for awhile, to maximize profit while the route has no competition.

For the first point, are you still getting 100% loadfactor after adding the flights? If so, it could be due to the fuel price bug (which will be fixed within the next couple of weeks).

For the second point, the current passenger model is more sensitive to high prices compared to the old games.

For the first point, yes, I am still getting 100% load. For now I'll just do 7x and wait for the bug to be fixed.

For the second, that would be the difference between now and last time I played AE. Thanks!

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