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Issue Information

  • #000770

  • 3 - Medium

  • Fixed

  • -

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Mystery Loss of money

Posted by The Nova Group on 16 August 2011 - 01:59 AM

Today while login in, my airlines experienced huge losses. This is strange because all my routes are positive, and the finance pages shows a profit every month. So I don't understand passing from +30 million to -40 million in a few hours. Has anybody else experienced this/can explain this? Thanks in advance

I have this problem too. The drop is so drastic I'm beginning to think something is wrong.

Updating severity to: 3 - Medium
Updating status to: Awaiting Feedback
Updating version to: None
Issue fixed in: None

There was a glitch that caused the finance sheet to not show some monthly expenses. This has been fixed, so the finance sheet should now reflect accurate figures.

Both of you have massive marketing budgets (remember it's a percentage of your ticket sales, charged daily!). To keep from bleeding money I would suggest keeping your marketing settings under 10% of sales.

okay, thank you very much :)

Updating status to: Fixed

This issue has been resolved. Thank you.

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