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  • #000769

  • 3 - Medium

  • Fixed

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R/T profit not adding up correctly

Posted by Babit on 15 August 2011 - 09:17 PM

Route: DFW - RAK - DFW
Flight 0 / 1
Aircraft: 83820 (747-400ER)
10/10 F 50/50 C 419/419 Y
100% 100% 100%

Ticket Sales: $1,041,012
IFS Revenue: -

Flight Crew: $3,260 Fuel Cost: $662,526 Landing Fees: -
Cabin Crew: $7,130 IFS Cost: $3,516 Other Fees: $41,976
R/T Profit $238

Umm off by about $322,366 not that i'm counting :) but what's a few hundred grand between rivals?

Actually a Lot of my flights are doing this. most will show the correct R/T profit on the first flight but on subsequent flights it nearly halves each time.
oute: DFW - LAX - DFW
Flight 0 / 1
Aircraft: 2202 (737-300)
R/T profit 3,136, 1,582, 812, 420, 224,126 and so on all flights are 100% capacity with constant R/T Revenue and costs.
I have a LOT of flights that do this.

Updating severity to: 3 - Medium
Updating status to: Fixed
This issue has been resolved. Thank you.
Updating version to: None

Fixed - the flight list should now show accurate R/T profit data after the routes are recalculated. :)

not fixed even tried changing aircraft
Summary O/W Loadfactors R/T Revenue R/T Expenses R/T Profit
Route: DFW - RAK - DFW
Flight 0 / 1
Aircraft: 83820 (747-400ER)
2/10 F 50/50 C 419/419 Y
20% 100% 100%

Ticket Sales: $981,700
IFS Revenue: -

Flight Crew: $3,260 Fuel Cost: $663,062 Landing Fees: -
Cabin Crew: $7,130 IFS Cost: $3,240 Other Fees: $41,976
Route: DFW - RAK - DFW
Flight 0 / 1
Aircraft: 83820 (747-400ER)
10/10 F 48/50 C 331/419 Y
100% 96% 79%

Ticket Sales: $867,836
IFS Revenue: -

Flight Crew: $3,260 Fuel Cost: $663,062 Landing Fees: -
Cabin Crew: $7,130 IFS Cost: $3,240 Other Fees: $41,976
With selected flights:

The second flight i originally listed is fixed though

Fixed - the Flight List was calculating revenue without taking connecting passengers into account. This has been corrected - the data now comes directly from the database. :)

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