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Posted by realGaurab on 02 July 2011 - 08:11 PM

I preordered some 319s. The first delivery is scheduled for a year from now. I have a eight month gap between the delivery of my last plane of 320 family and the first of 319s. If I try to order or lease a 320 or 321, which are available now, I have to wait until all the 319s are delivered before I can get them delivered.


I've got exactly the same problem, I've got 26 A319's on order, and 4 A320-200's on order, my A319's are arriving first even though the A320's are already in service. I have to wait for nearly 2 years to get any of the planes, when if this were realistic, i would get the A320's within a few weeks :/

I don't think its a bug, according to DN it depends on the way you order them.

The first aircraft ordered is the first delivered.

If you ordered two different aircraft in the same family, it goes by which you ordered first.

That's very frustrating. Change it!

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