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  • #000635

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Drop in profit

Posted by Mikew0805 on 20 June 2011 - 02:22 AM

Just wanted to let you know.. and this may be the result of something being fixed... but a lot of my routes drop in profit when I resave the route. ie: My DFW/PEK was a daily profit of $908,000... I saved it and it dropped to $525,000. Now when I took the calculator, the new lower amount seems to add up properly. So I think I was getting extra profit due to some glitch. Well, I tried it on a few routes and sure enough there was dramatic drops, while still at a 100% load factor. So, I will not be doing that any longer, and will just enjoy the extra revenue until it fixes itself.

Updating status to: Not a Bug

Yes, many route finance calculations were fixed today. Not sure if this is directly because of it - it could be something else as well. :S

LOL.. okay thank you! Bugs or not.. I am still addicted! :rofl:

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