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  • #000455

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A340 Seating Capacity

Posted by mischkaffee on 28 March 2011 - 08:46 PM

Please see this thread for supporting info: http://www.airlineem...ating-capacity/

Correct A340 seating capacities:

-200: 350
-300: 440
-500: 440
-600: 520

un1 said the adjustment cannot be made right now but it should be added to the list of issues all the same.

The same goes for adjusting the 767-200/ER end dates to be the same as the -300/ER:


I believe this issue has been addressed in the forums


As I'm pretty sure I've posted time and time again on the forums:

I am aware of these issues, and I had planned a review of all aircraft before these kind of posts started being repeated.
However, I can not fix them until the beta upgrades are completed and the tools used to add and update aircraft are restored. I haven't forgotten the numerous errors that have been inherited into AE data and I have always planned to resolve them when I am able to.
Bear with us, and these things will be dealt with.


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