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  • #000444

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Problem with claiming bankruptcy

Posted by Delta787 on 24 March 2011 - 02:48 PM

I filed for bankruptcy with good intentions of starting over. The airline is Delta Airways Connection and I went to the bankruptcy tab and filed for bankruptcy, but it is still showing up as one of my airlines and when I pressed the 'Enter World' tab, it says 'user account requested not found'. What is going on? Is there any why you can delete that airline out for me? Thanks

I filed for bankruptcy with good intentions of starting over. The airline is Delta Airways Connection and I went to the bankruptcy tab and filed for bankruptcy, but it is still showing up as one of my airlines and when I pressed the 'Enter World' tab, it says 'user account requested not found'. What is going on? Is there any why you can delete that airline out for me? Thanks

i had the exact same problem today, spoke to un1 in chat about it, apparenlty the feature that removes airlines from the game isnt working, i would suggest speaking to either yuxi or un1 about it.

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