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  • #000358

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cant buy new ac

Posted by sviridovt on 21 February 2011 - 05:56 AM

Hi, when ever I try to order new AC I get to the blank screen and no planes are ordered, Please help!

Thanks, Tim

I get this when trying to order the 744

Its saying on the last line of the HTML that i had selected an invalid number of aircraft
(the very last line so its not writing the ending </html> properly... (that will be why its blank)

I can lease the aircraft however, and i've done that so i can purchase the aircraft

Updating status to: Awaiting Feedback

Does this happen only when you are preordering aircraft?

Updating status to: Fixed

This issue has been resolved. Thank you.

I still cant buy new aircraft....

thanks, hopefully now I can preorder md 11 and 744

wait, still cant preorder planes

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