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  • #000301

  • 3 - Medium

  • Fixed

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Posted by jonmok on 14 February 2011 - 04:07 AM

I've issued 2 bonds at Jan 6, 1980 and 1 at Jan 7, 1980.
And I pay the interest regularly, I didn't missed any one of the payment.
It is already Jul 4, 1985, and all of my bonds should come to maturity,
However, I am still paying out interest, and not repaying the principal.

Yes, My bonds are doing the same exact thing. I'm still paying around 300k a month, when I should be paying princ. or paying it all back.

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Can you post the bond numbers to help me troubleshoot?

Same here bonds 25 and 33...

Bond number 1 :1st: , 2 :2nd: and 3 :3rd: .
First 3 bonds ever issued :clap:

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Can you post the bond numbers to help me troubleshoot?

Same here bonds 25 and 33...

Bond number 1 :1st: , 2 :2nd: and 3 :3rd: .
First 3 bonds ever issued :clap:

nicely done...i'm still 2 years past my maturity date but the bonds are still outstanding...

Also It may be nice to be able to repay them earlier.

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Can you post the bond numbers to help me troubleshoot?

Has a solution been found for this? My credit is worse than it should be because of these bonds, which are now about 10 years past their maturity...

Also It may be nice to be able to repay them earlier.

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Updating severity to: 3 - Medium
Updating status to: Fixed

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