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User has 3 airlines in a world with max 2 airlines

Posted by NNR on 16 August 2016 - 04:51 PM



Title explains all really.

cri me a river

Would you mind not commenting on this unless you have something of any relevance to say?

Would you mind not commenting on this unless you have something of any relevance to say?

I'll do what I please thank you :)


I'll do what I please thank you  :)

So will people who you're annoying when they pose legitimate concerns. I see a vicious circle of flaming and insults forming, just because you have nothing better to do with your life.


No it's NNR and thus its okay 



So will people who you're annoying when they pose legitimate concerns. I see a vicious circle of flaming and insults forming, just because you have nothing better to do with your life.


Yes, precisely, thank you.

No it's NNR and thus its okay 

Could you please not comment on this any further unless you have something of any relevance to say?



Given the fact that the airline ID numbers are quite, quite similar, I believe you will find that it is a server error.



Please in future could you not quote me :)

Stop it, ladies.


The player must have either been found out or gotten bored, as he now has no airlines.

You do like being a tool, don't you :/
Why don't you go and bring up some old threads

Stop it, ladies.


The player must have either been found out or gotten bored, as he now has no airlines.

I put all three of them out of business XD

Zipp I feel you are a menace while commenting on important things. While you have spend you'r entire life on AE. I suggest you stop it now, or else I will do what pleases me. Got It right.  


And you want to be a mod..

And you want to be a mod..

I do now? :huh:

I've once managed to accidentally do that, and I just figured out how, When you start a new airline you go to the loading screen that takes you to the page where you pick the starting aircraft and airport. During the loading screen, press the back arrow. When you go back to your my airlines page. You can create a third airline in a world where two is the limit. when you log out of that third airline. You should see three airlines there. Just visit my account, go to my airlines and you can see for yourself.

I've once managed to accidentally do that, and I just figured out how, When you start a new airline you go to the loading screen that takes you to the page where you pick the starting aircraft and airport. During the loading screen, press the back arrow. When you go back to your my airlines page. You can create a third airline in a world where two is the limit. when you log out of that third airline. You should see three airlines there. Just visit my account, go to my airlines and you can see for yourself.

Thanks and yes that is the trick on this. 


Also, Congrats you gave every member 2 more airline then allowed. 

Thanks and yes that is the trick on this. 


Also, Congrats you gave every member 2 more airline then allowed. 

Actually, what he did was give the dev team a step by step process to recreate this bug, thereby affirming that it is a bug and giving the devs a reason to fix it. Stop being like Zipp for just a second, please.

Stop being like Zipp for just a second

All your azure awards are canceled :hmmph:

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