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  • #002538

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slow loading

Posted by mikepl1993 on 17 August 2015 - 08:30 PM

does anyone else's site take forever loading when adding new routes? -_-

its actually not limited to adding routes. it's everything on O1, besides logging out and it happens almost everyday

yea me 2. I am having that issue too. sometimes it takes more than a minute to load a page. I thought it's a connection issue but the issue is only on this site

I've also noticed this.  Specifically, I play in R4 and it's gotten to the point where it's taking measurable minutes to load some pages.

It's getting very frustating.  Between 11-1130 pm MST there is zero availability,  Very slow the rest of the time.

airline empires really need to upgrade their server capability...

Getting so slow there is no longer any fun. Thinking of leaving unless they can speed the game up

Same issue especially today it's taking sometimes really 5 minutes to load a page. I am not able to add routes easily like adding couple routes may take 15 minutes it' really so annoying. I hope the fix the server issues or upgrade because it's so slow

The problem with slow loading (R7) of pages has actually become worse since the attempted fix last night.  :disgusted:

changed status to: Fixed

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