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  • #002521

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Server apparently skipping the last 4 days of every month... :-D S3A

Posted by The Flying Cow on 30 July 2015 - 11:01 PM



Is there any log where it would be possible to double-check this?

The S3A server runs 4 days/hour, but when I do the maths (e.g. in 10 hours 40 days would have passed) when I reconnect I notice that always the time have advanced faster.


So I paid attention and at the end of every month, around the 26th day of the month the server just jumps straigh to the 1st day of the next month. I guess this should be happening to everyone at least on server S3A, so just leaving the heads up her FYI.



Flying Cow Airlines :)



AE Runs on a 25 days per month cycle for all servers. I don't know why but I guess it will be updated in AE 4...

AE Runs on a 25 days per month cycle for all servers. I don't know why but I guess it will be updated in AE 4...

Ok! Thanks for the clarification, so I guess it should have been reported before. It could be that to simplify scripts - each month could have 28 days and skip the last ones, but yep, would be interesting to find out... :)

Each month in AE is 24 days long. This system was left over from previous versions of the game when each month in-game matched one day in real life and aircraft deliveries all happened on the 1st of the month - that way the delivery time would stay the same time every day.


The next version will have a real calendar system.

changed status to: Not a Bug

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