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Can't use aircraft to create new route! (Runway and Distance not problem) S3A

Posted by DWrightTX on 27 April 2015 - 06:20 PM

I started out with a 737-200Adv. I ordered two more to increase my routes. Now I have them, but my new air crafts do not show up when I research new routes. When I try to add flights I can see "737-200Adv (2 idle)" in the drop down menu but when i choose that item, nothing shows up. 



  • Runway Length: 4,780 FT
  • Range: 2,166 MI
  • Game Type: S3-A (Small World)

I am trying to add a route from Dallas to Miami which is about 1,000 Miles. When I go to an existing route and try to add flights, the airplanes then show up. I have enough gates at both airports as well.


I saw a few other posts and one said that sometimes there is a delay so you should just wait. Waited a day and still the airplane is missing when trying to create new routes. Any ideas? 


Thanks in advance for your help.

Attached Thumbnails

  • Airline Empire Issue.png

It seems like I can only fly to the state I started in and states adjacent. Is this a starting restriction to the Small World game?

DAL has restrictions to all the worlds except open worlds. Try flying from DFW.

Dallas Love Field (DAL)

Flights are limited to serving airports located in Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. However, flights using aircraft with 56 seats (maximum configuration) have no restrictions. You cannot configure aircraft that could potentially have more seats, such as a 737-800 with a maximum of 189 seats, with 56 seats in order to avoid these restrictions.



Oh based on the Wright Amendment. I forgot about that since it was recently lifted. So I have to play on no Political Restrictions. So will the Wright Amendment be lifted in 2015 in the game as it is now.


Thanks for the reply!

I'm not 100% sure but yes I think the Wright Amendment does get lifted.

Wright Amendment gets lifted on October 13, 2014 (in-game time)

changed status to: Not a Bug

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