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Error in calculating terminal costs

Posted by qwerty4686 on 20 April 2015 - 07:26 PM

I have a Chinese airline in R3 and, having run out of gates to lease, want to build a terminal.  According to the system, building 2 new gates will cost almost $65 million, and 2*2,900,000 (the per-gate cost) is 34,800,000.  A screenshot is attached.

Attached Thumbnails

  • ae_glitch.png

I encountered the same error again at SHA (below).  I have built ohter terminals without an issue between the two occurences.

Attached Thumbnails

  • ae_glitch_2.png

After looking at the two, I noticed that the system seems to be calculating the gate building costs including the existing gates, where as it usually only counts the new gates as 'too be built'.

I encountered the same error at PVG.

Same problem, i dont think my terminal for 30 gates in amsterdam would be supposed to cost me over 700 Million... (waiting) (happened in both R1 and R5)

I just sucked it up and spent ~600 million on terminals.  I encountered the error at CTU and CAN also.  Building terminals at KWE, CKG, and SZX went OK.

Additionally, the error does not repeat when extending an existing terminal.

That's because all of your operations will be moved to the new terminal, which means that you automatically stop leasing the old gates and have to build more, so the old gates are taken into consideration as well for the construction costs the first time round. After that, when you extend an existing terminal, you are merely adding gates to what you already have, so the number of gates you need and the actual amount built will be the same thereafter.

Really? Because this doesn't happen at every airport, only the big ones (or so it seems).  Also, why does the number of gates to be built not represent that?

Then those are bugs, though probably less severe than the ones initially suspected

Well it seems logical and realistic to me, if you expand and re-build a building you're going to pay more then if you ordered a bigger one in the first place... 


As far as I've seen, the same happens with smaller airports as well.

Well it seems logical and realistic to me, if you expand and re-build a building you're going to pay more then if you ordered a bigger one in the first place... 


As far as I've seen, the same happens with smaller airports as well.

yeah I dont know what's he's on about and there's nothing I could do about it.

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