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BWI Airport Typo's(?)

Posted by Nick of DC Airways on 20 July 2014 - 06:18 AM

I know BWI was used to be "Baltimore-Washington International" but now in game (R5) it is "Baltimore- Washington". I don't know if there was a reason for this change or this happened by mistake. 

Shouldn't it be Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport?

Shouldn't it be Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport?

It can be that or just Baltimore- Washington International Airport

Shouldn't it be Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport?

I've seen it be written as both but yes Thurgood Marshall should be there...my mistake

We don't put the international in unless it's a designator, for example Belfast City and Brlfast International airport

But it still should have the Thurgood Marshall...

We don't put the international in unless it's a designator, for example Belfast City and Brlfast International airport

But Belfast City has plenty of international flights ( http://en.wikipedia....nd_destinations ). Should it not be using its original name then?

But Belfast City has plenty of international flights ( http://en.wikipedia....nd_destinations ). Should it not be using its original name then?

Belfast international is called that, Belfast city is called belfast city so I don't see your point?

We don't put the international in unless it's a designator, for example Belfast City and Brlfast International airport

If you aren't going to change it can at least fix the hyphen...my ocd is going crazy about it. Also, Dulles (IAD) has international after the name. I know Reagan is in Washington but has national as a designator but they have two different names.

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