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MMA - Malmö Bulltofta Airport

Posted by Oggey on 09 July 2014 - 04:28 PM

Malmö Bulltofta was Malmö's main airport from 1923-1972, before Malmö Sturup (MMX) started to be used. I have noticed that this airport is not in AE :P






http://home.wwdb.org...rs/Jan 1999.PDF



I'll take a look in more depth into this tomorrow - thank you for reporting this

As sturup is a replacement bulltofta shouldn't be required. Its the same with honk kong, kai tak and chek lap kok don't both exist. Putting both in game would double capacity, unrealistic in comparison to the real world. And AE doesn't have the function to open and close airports. Given that most worlds are past 1975 this also reduces the need for this airport.

As sturup is a replacement bulltofta shouldn't be required. Its the same with honk kong, kai tak and chek lap kok don't both exist. Putting both in game would double capacity, unrealistic in comparison to the real world. And AE doesn't have the function to open and close airports. Given that most worlds are past 1975 this also reduces the need for this airport.


Gothenburg Landvetter and Gothenburg City are both in the game, they're replacements of eachother and the game runs perfectly fine with them alongside eachother, believe me. When it comes to realism. the fact that there is two airports in Malmö will be the least of AE's problems   :P


And secondly, the number of people affected by Hong Kong highly differs from the amounts we would see with two Malmö airports. Where those two will be mostly for us who like to RP and run realistic-ish carriers.

As sturup is a replacement bulltofta shouldn't be required. Its the same with honk kong, kai tak and chek lap kok don't both exist. Putting both in game would double capacity, unrealistic in comparison to the real world. And AE doesn't have the function to open and close airports. Given that most worlds are past 1975 this also reduces the need for this airport.

I think all airports in the runlength of a world (so after 1950) should be in the game to make it realistic, no excuses for that.

 no excuses for that.

Yes, there are excuses, but people are too ignorant to read them.

I too believe that Kai Tak and other such airports should be implement but when, and only when, a system for airport opening/closing is implemented.

And I might add, as lovely as closing airports would be. It's not happening soon. So might aswell add MMA in the meantime. We can fly to airports before they are opened. So it really does not matter if we can fly to airports after they're closed, does it?


And IATA isn't a problem, since Sturup is MMX and Bulltofta was MMA. The only possible issue would be, as stated passenger numbers being slightly unrealistic. But with the small small size of the two airports it's not like it matters.

As sturup is a replacement bulltofta shouldn't be required. Its the same with honk kong, kai tak and chek lap kok don't both exist. Putting both in game would double capacity, unrealistic in comparison to the real world. And AE doesn't have the function to open and close airports. Given that most worlds are past 1975 this also reduces the need for this airport.

Kai Tak used the IATA HKG, so the transition is a lot less problematic.


Moreover, given there's a separate IATA, adding this airport with low (no?) demand only helps collect data for the future (AE4) when airport opening/closing is (i think) planned. If not added now, it just means more work in the future once openings/closures are implemented.

Yes, there are excuses, but people are too ignorant to read them.

I too believe that Kai Tak and other such airports should be implement but when, and only when, a system for airport opening/closing is implemented.

I do not agree, till whenh that feature is there, all airports that are/where open commercially in thsi period need to be there so routes are realisticly possible in the years befroe it closed.

I do not agree, till whenh that feature is there, all airports that are/where open commercially in thsi period need to be there so routes are realisticly possible in the years befroe it closed.

please take the time to proof read that you said.

It is nearly impossible for the Data collectors to close airports mid game, as this ruins the whole game. If you actually read what I said, realistic airport opening and closing would be simulated in game, for example, during the period when DMK was the main airport for Bangkok, it would have a higher passenger number, but when BKK was opened, DMK passenger numbers would fall, to simulate the LCC operations from this airport.

Features like the above have been listed as coming in AE 4. Which, if I'm correct, should be coming out in Beta form next year.

After discussing this briefly with Brit the airport is to be rejected from the game.

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