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Reims-Cessna F406 range

Posted by kaarlows on 12 May 2014 - 03:59 PM

Hi there, 


This nice small airplane has an incorrect range in AE's DB.


In game it says that it has 863mi, however if you look in the in the aircraft's wikipedia entry, you can see the range is actually 1327 mi


I've tried to search a more official source, but due to the bankruptcy of the original manufacturer I couldn't find. But I found a few other places which all refer the same range. 


The reason I suspected the range data was incorrect was analyzing the aircraft's size, engine performance, fuel flow and it's competitors. It would be very odd an airplane with such capability have a range so similar to the Cessna C208 Caravan. 

This is not an issue, that is the max fuel range of which is correctly stated in AE.

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