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  • #002041

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(SXM) Sint Maarten

Posted by ����Justin���� on 10 April 2014 - 11:23 PM

It's known for accommodating 747's, but when I try to fly a 747-200B from CDG-SXM, it doesn't show up on my list.

The 747-200B needs 9265 feet of runway to land, SXM has 7545 feet.

I think SXM 744s aren't fully loaded either. Not sure

They take off from SXM with a low load, go to another airport and refuel, this is not a bug.

But I've seen many 747's land. Even 777's!

But I've seen many 747's land. Even 777's!


Since load restrictions are not implemented in AE, 747s currently cannot land at SXM in AE. Payload Restrictions are scheduled to be implemented in AE4.

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