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  • #000171

  • 2 - Fair

  • Fixed

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Missing Data - Airline Details / Competition / etc.

Posted by rotaryspd on 08 February 2011 - 12:24 AM

I have noticed a few places where data is supposed to show, but doesn't. I'm guessing this is just to-do for informational items, because final profit numbers for the aircraft calculate correctly.

1. The daily profit (as calculated from monthly figures) does not show in the aircraft details.
2. In the competition page, the airline data is missing for some routes - it looks like logos may show, but text names do not (can someone confirm?). So I'm thinking this is more a but than a 'to-do'

Updating severity to: 3 - Medium
Updating status to: Fixed

This issue has been resolved. Thank you.
Updating version to: None

For airline details, it currently shows "Net profit (daily):" but then displays the monthly figure.

Updating severity to: 2 - Fair
Updating status to: Acknowledged, Waiting for Fix

You mean aircraft details?

Yeah, aircraft details, sorry.

Updating status to: Fixed

This issue has been resolved. Thank you.

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