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Connecting Passengers not accounted for income?

Posted by Yildizmeltemi on 21 July 2013 - 09:18 AM

Here are two different route incomes for my airline, with different prices. The strange thing is, in both occasions the routes have nearly the same load ratio (near %100, in one case with connecting passengers for eco class and in the other case without connecting passengers..) But with connecting passengers filling my economy class capacity i get 25.098$ and on the other hand without connecting passengers i get 38.232$. So here is the question:
is this some kind of a bug? Or do the connecting passengers are not accounted for a route income?

Attached Thumbnails

  • with connecting passengers.JPG
  • without connecting passengers.JPG

Your question is actually answered in the Frequently Asked Questions section; ''Regular (O&D) passengers are preferable to connecting passengers, as the latter provides half the revenue of a regular passenger.''

In other words; this isn't a bug.

ohh sorry i've overlooked that one, thank you for help :)

So this brings up a question: Can you "deny" connecting passangers? I understand that direct passangers are boarded first, but can you deny connecting passangers on a specific route?

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