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Issue Information

  • #000154

  • 2 - Fair

  • Fixed

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Competition name invisible

Posted by sq_a380 on 07 February 2011 - 09:41 AM

I have new competition on my route SIN-CGK but the name is invisible on the competition page. I can see his other stats but there is no name at all.

there is a player without a name...

Updating version to: AE 3.1 Beta - Open World

Apologies this is happening in Open World, not Realistic World, where there isn't a player without a name.

Yes, the problem is also existing in Realistics World
I can see that there is competition on a route and I can study the details of it.
However, I can't see what airline it is in the "Competition" tab. You need to go back to the pie chart in "Market Research" tab to learn about which airline is competiting with you....

It displays if they have a logo, but not if name only.

Updating severity to: 2 - Fair
Updating status to: Fixed

This issue has been resolved. Thank you.
Updating version to: None

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