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Issue Information

  • #000150

  • 3 - Medium

  • Fixed

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Demand mismatch

Posted by berubium on 07 February 2011 - 05:55 AM

I've started an airline in YVR & I've noticed a demand mismatch when viewing demands from two different places. When researching routes to set them up, the demand numbers are far lower than I expected them to be, so I begrudgedly created routes with low frequencies. When I looked at overall statistics of YVR on the airport details page, the demand numbers were much higher (where I expected them to be). Does that mean that I can operate more flights on those routes?

Examples of demand (only looking at Economy class):

Route Management - 80 daily pax
YVR Airport Details Page - 465 daily pax

Route Management - 24 daily pax
YVR Airport Details Page - 143 daily pax

Route Management - 51 daily pax
YVR Airport Details Page - 300 daily pax

I hope this makes sense. By the way, the new 3.1 looks really good so far.


Updating severity to: 3 - Medium
Updating status to: Fixed
Updating version to: None

The route management figure is correct. I've fixed the airport details page to use the correct figures. :)

In 3.1, the demand starts low at the beginning of the game and grows to full strength after about 10 years.

Thanks for reporting this :)

Updating version to: AE 3.1 Beta - Realistic World

So I tried adding flights to approach the demand levels shown in the Airport Details page and the flights were nearly all empty. So it seems that the low demand numbers (from the Route Management pages) are actually the ones in effect. I hope that demand levels will increase or else everybody will be playing the game with Beechcrafts & CRJs.

Wow, that was fast!


Updating version to: AE 3.1 Beta - Realistic World

So I tried adding flights to approach the demand levels shown in the Airport Details page and the flights were nearly all empty. So it seems that the low demand numbers (from the Route Management pages) are actually the ones in effect. I hope that demand levels will increase or else everybody will be playing the game with Beechcrafts & CRJs.

Have you tried re-saving the route? The first time is a bit iffy for whatever reason ;)

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