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Tupolev Tu-334

Posted by Pernas on 03 July 2012 - 09:11 PM

Tu-334 airliner was cancelled on 2009.


"On the other hand, UAC has succeeded in a degree of rationalisation of the country's programmes. The struggling Tu-204 is to be continued, but will be withdrawn as the MS-21 comes to market, and the Tu-334 regional jet will finally be laid to rest in favour of the Superjet and more utilitarian Antonov An-148."


Что касается коммерческих самолетов, то за время, прошедшее с прошлого МАКС-2009, поступили в коммерческую эксплуатацию два типа региональных самолетов – Ан-148 и SSJ-100. Одна из этих машин создана украинцами, вторая – новой компанией «ГСС», которая выросла из конструкторского бюро, специализирующегося на истребительной авиации. Что же до проектов традиционных создателей пассажирских самолетов, все они остановлены или находятся на грани остановки. Производство дальнемагистрального Ил-96 для коммерческих авиакомпаний прекращено. К большому сожалению, видимо, не состоится проект Ту-204СМ. Можно забыть и о ближнемагистральном Ту-334."


"With regard to commercial aircraft, over the time elapsed since the last MAKS-2009, came into commercial operation are two types of regional aircraft - AN-148 and SSJ-100. One of these machines created by Ukrainians, the second - the new company "GSS," which grew out of the design bureau, which specializes in fighter aircraft. As to the project creators of traditional passenger aircraft, they all stopped, or are at risk of stopping. Production of IL-96 long-haul commercial flights ceased. Unfortunately, probably not take the project Tu-204SM. You can forget about the short-haul Tu-334."

You are right in that this aircraft should never have been added to the game. It was added before our policy was set, and we are currently unable to remove aircraft from the game. In light of that, it will have to remain for now.

I personally sstill think it should remaain, because it was up for commerical orders.

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